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Into The Woods- CNC fabric


    Jul 1, 2015 Project Comments are off

    The costume shop approached me about figuring seeing if there was a fast way that fabric could be cut for a custom lace/pattern for a dress. The decision was to use the CNC router with a drag knife. After doing some tests of fabrics, using window blackout curtain fabric (in white) had the rigidity and wouldn't fray as quickly. The fabric was then lightly applied to a sheet of luan and then cut out. I had to make some edits to the hand drawn design because some of the details were too small. Once the various panels were cut out, the costume show was able to clean up a few stray threads and assemble the dress.
    <h1 style="text-align: center;">Into the Woods</h1> <p style="text-align: center;">Northwestern University- Barber Theatre Evanston, IL July 2015 Director: Scott Weinstein Costume Designer: Izumi Inaba</p>
    <p class="credit">Photos by: Chris Wych Production Photo by: Justin Barbin</p>

    Beer Bottle Shelves


      Mar 1, 2015 Project Comments are off

      My brother has a eccentric collection of beer bottles that grows with every unique beer he tries at home. He was looking for a way to maximize the display of bottles while still showing the bottle labels instead of just storing them in boxes. To add to the challenge, beer bottles come in a couple different sizes in addition to the cans in his collection. I came up with a design and mocked it up to see how it would work. After getting approval, I made 6 units with shelves for the entire height (holding ~120 bottles) and 2 with shelves half way up with adjustable sections on top for the very odd shaped bottles (holding ~80 bottles depending on shelf positions). The units are sized around the Ikea Billy shelf system, so that doors or other units could be added in the future.
      <h1 style="text-align: center;">Beer Bottle Shelves</h1> <p style="text-align: center;">Minooka, IL April 2013 Client: Jon Wych</p>
      <p class="credit">Photos by: Chris Wych</p>

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